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Showing posts from October, 2011

My Second 3d modeling cake

L/X Creme Birthday Cake My Auntie order this cake from me... Just another chance for me to practice~ ← This one is made of MILK CHOCOLATE~ You can lift it up with your clean & dry hand The inside of the model......→ ← The Cover (chocolate) ============and============ The Cake (L/X Creme)

OREO Cheesecake

  Again another order from my friend   ^.^ My Friend has order an OREO Cheesecake with decor from me......  I decor it with 'chocolate fan'~ 'chocolate string' & some almond

Walnut Cheezzzzee

我哥哥的生日........过了几天又是我妈妈的生日 妈妈想要尝尝核桃芝士蛋糕 所以我做了~   虽然有点硬硬的, 但是口感还是很不错……                         我选择了八卦形 我稍微用了一些巧克力来装饰~

Cheese Cake with Choco Rice

巧克力米芝士蛋糕 经典的~  ^.^   我用了一点巧克力来点缀。。。