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Showing posts from 2012

Donald Duck Birthday Cake



Merry Christmas This cake is order by my baby sister, who had look after me when I was a baby. ^.^ She just live opposite my house. She orders a Pandan Cake layered with blueberry as filling. ♮~♬~♪~ ♯ ♫~~♩~~♭~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♮~♬~♪~ ♯ ♫~~♩~~♭

2013 年水果系列饼干

2013 New Year Fruit Series Cookies                   watermelons, mangoes teen , strawberry, pear                       RM26 / box (as shown in box below)

2013 Chinese New Year Promotion

2013 Chinese New Year Special   小饼干 ※ 水果系列 A Box of Fruit Series Cookies ~consists of 10 pcs Delicate Mangoesteen, 10 pcs Pear Desire, 10 pcs Watermelon Cookies, 10 pcs Strawberry Temptation Price: RM 26 /  box La yer Cakes CNY 2013 order now !! Cheesecake CNY 2013 Order now for 2013 Chinese New Year !!! ORDER FORM DOWNLOAD

Birthday Cake order by Church



Durian Cheesecake

Chocolate Cheese Delight

浓巧克力 奶 酪 蛋糕 乳 酪 蛋糕 订单又来了 ~姐姐 订了 Chocolate Cheese Delight , 上面我用不规纹的线条来装饰 再加上樱桃与巧克力片 、巧克力网 加以点缀。。。  


Matcha Walnut Cake 抹茶海绵蛋糕 , 夹杂着核桃碎 。 外面抹上鲜奶油, 撒上一层抹茶粉 。 以巧克力简单的点缀, 加上两颗不起眼的樱桃 。 抹茶核桃蛋糕 偷偷的, 带 出了一种高贵的气息。 咬 下去的口感, 软绵绵的海绵蛋糕, 伴着爽脆的核桃 。 抹茶的香味, 弥漫 在口中, 核桃带点苦味 , 随之甘甜 。 Price: RM 35 / 500 g  ;  RM 60 / 1 kg  :

Cheesecake with Choco Rice Slices


Doraemon Drawing Decor

1st times ~16 pcs mini fresh cream cake order

Gift Cookies


Chocolate Brownies 第一次做巧克力布朗尼,算是成功吧! 享用之前 , 我先把它弄热~ 然后才慢慢品尝。。。 那浓浓的巧克力酱混合着浓郁的巧克力蛋糕 再加上核桃的简单点缀。。。 我只能说: おいし

Corn flakes Honey Cookies


Drawing ~ 达尔马提亚小狗

Dalmatian Puppy Birthday Cake Today A drawing order. Ordered by mother's college. A puppy, Dalmatian is the name. Lot of effort spend Drawing it. Yet, Satisfied  Of...... My drawing~ The cake Hope my customer will love it.

Chocolate Cake Roll



Blueberry Swissroll Cake

Angry Bird Red

愤怒鸟 (红色)生日蛋糕


Walnut Butter Cake   order: here


再来 ~ 奥 利奥 乳酪 蛋糕! 这次稍微装饰了一下才拍照。       奥 利奥 乳酪 蛋糕的里面: 浓郁的 乳酪 , 夹杂着 …… 奥 利奥 的碎片。 看了 …… 垂涎三尺 、 馋涎欲滴 、 欲罢不能 ~ 这几片特别装饰是送人的 ^.^


Strawberry SwissRoll