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Showing posts from July, 2014


Lamington Party ~all about lamington~ A lamington is a dessert of Australian origin. It consists of squares of sponge cake coated first in a layer of traditionally chocolate sauce, then in desiccated coconut. Lamingtons are sometimes served as two halves with a layer of cream or strawberry jam between, and are commonly found in South African and Australasian outlets such as cafes, lunch bars, bakeries, home industries and supermarkets. A raspberry variety is also common in New Zealand, while a lemon variety also exists in Australia. info taken from: Here, i have made 4 other flavor~ ^-^ 草莓 Strawberry 芒果 Mango 蓝莓 Blueberry 杏桃 Apricot

Hokkaido Cake

四种口味北海道蛋糕 原味北海道蛋糕 Original Hokkaido Cake The soft, light & fluffy chiffon cake fills with creamy milk cream, simply decorated with icing sugar on top! 咖啡北海道蛋糕 Coffee Hokkaido Cake The coffee flavor chiffon cake fills with coffee cream that would stimulate your taste bud with bitter, sour & sweet~ 乳酪北海道蛋糕 Cheese Hokkaido Cake The soft, light & fluffy cheese chiffon cake fills with cheese cream, simply embellished with snow sugar! 巧克力北海道蛋糕 Chocolate Hokkaido Cake The soft, light & fluffy chocolate flavor chiffon cake fills with special chocolate cream, finishing with snow sugar decoration.


Lemon Lava Desire

Basic Fruit Decor Birthday Cake

水果装饰生日蛋糕 Pattern I Pattern II