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Showing posts from October, 2016

Raisins Egg White CAKE

After previous trail & error of egg white cake for many times or perhaps is dried & not much surprise of angel cake... finally i found the right recipe for this moist, dense, yummy & perfect egg white cake that i ever eat before. horray!! there will be no more leftover egg white in my fridge next time. the use of raisins & dried cranberries had neutralize the sweetness of the cake & it is just nice & perfect for my palate~ Since it is egg white & no egg yolk, i must said it is low cholesterol cake & more healthy compare to other cake. eating more & more~ opps~ feeling guilty for my stomach~


Galaxy My first try on the mirror glaze.... and the cake look gorgeous !!! The mousse cake base is dark cherries mousse & finally with the mirror glaze of GALAXY design. finish touch up with the golden, silver, red pearl of different size.  送给同事的生日蛋糕。祝愿他有个如星空般灿烂的生日。

mmh... yummylicious Lava Cake

  Mocha Lava The combination of chocolate & coffee molten lava cake stimulating your palate that is definitely irresistible for coffee lover. Chocolate Lava   The classic chocolate molten lava cake best serve when warm.


感谢表姐的支持! 8 种不同款式的弥月宝宝系列饼干。 迷你芒果芝士塔 Full Moon Cookies Sets (customize own photo)

Birthday Cake Order

Once again the order from Sunday School. Thanks God for giving me the opportunity to baked the birthday cake for my church's Sunday School birthday celebration !!  May God's blessing shower the birthday boy & girl abundantly !   Blue Icy   Red Rebben


感谢教会的姐妹再次支持,订购了她爸爸的大寿蛋糕。第一次烘制了11寸的柠檬轻乳酪蛋糕。^.^ 顶层是核桃海绵蛋糕体。 配与简单的“虫虫”鲜奶为装饰底,再用上满满的水果,杏仁与核桃来装饰!!


自从5年前辞了做面包的工作后我没有再做面包了。感谢主虽然多年我没做面包了但现在还能做得像样的面包出来。呵呵~ Mushroom Mayo Bun Raisins Braid Bun Chilli Sausage Bun Mayonnaise Hotdog Bun Tomato Sausage Bun Sausage Roll Bun Buttermilk Bun Chocolate Chips Bun