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Showing posts from February, 2019

Chocolate Caramel Apple Tart

巧克力慕斯苹果焦糖塔 Normally melting chocolate get mess up if accidentally mix with water...  But what about mix chocolate with lots of water?  Tadaa! Chocolate Mousse with only 2 ingredients !!! it tastes amazing!  By using this chocolate mousse recipe, I compiled it with my shortbread cookies recipe as the crust with homemade caramel apple & the taste is divine.😋 Sometimes... just simply compiles together all the recipes that we have & the outcome will be amazing~ Checkout our price at here:   Hi-Tea ~ Tarts


Red Roses Fresh Cream Birthday Cake 久违的玫瑰花生日蛋糕装饰~ 满满的玫瑰🌹~  一个女儿表达对母亲满满的爱~ 😘 以黄白色鲜奶油为底,更显高贵大方! Checkout our price at here:  Floral / Cartoon Design Checkout more photos at here:  Floral / Cartoon Design Gallery

Disney's Mulan- Mushu

迪士尼经典的花木兰~木須龍(Mushu) The chinese 🐉 "Mushu" from the Disney Mulan on a birthday cake. (Pardon me for the yellow nose🙈) Checkout our price at here:  Birthday Cake ~ Drawing Decor Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery


Light Lemon Cheese Cake 我们满有人气的轻乳酪蛋糕,加入了我们家自制的新鲜柠檬酱制作~ 柠檬与乳酪 ~  配极了 !😋  要订制成生日蛋糕?我们有免费写字以及生日蛋糕装饰服务(会另外再收费)。 Checkout our price at here:   Cheesecakes Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery

Pandan Marble Cheesecake

斑斓大理石轻乳酪蛋糕 ※ Using the fresh pandan extract, replacing the milk with coconut milk, this natural green & asiatic flavour make a perfect combination with the cotton cheesecake. Presented in marble style, the gradation is beautiful & the taste is marvellous~ 😋 Checkout our price at here:  Cheesecakes Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery