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Showing posts from April, 2019


THE ~ Golden Kasutera ~ a Japanese castella sponge cake top with sweet & salty honey cheese mixture & baked just until golden brown, just as the name "golden" + "castella (Kasutera)" Beautiful name & superlicious~ Checkout our price at here:   Spécial Gâteau ~ Rich Flavor Series~浓郁系列

Fresh Cream Puff ~ The Profiterole

泡芙 A filled French choux pastry ball with a typically sweet and moist filling~ Checkout more photos at here:  HI-TEA ~ Profiterole

Honey Light Cheesecake

蜂蜜轻乳酪蛋糕  specially request by customer & bake in love shape 😍 Checkout our price at here:   Cheesecakes ~Light & Soft Series~轻软乳酪系列 Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery


Classic Cheesecake the rich & creamy 很感恩有位很享受我的经典乳酪蛋糕的顾客。 Checkout our price at here:   Cheesecakes ~Rich & Creamy Series~香浓芝士系列 Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery