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Showing posts from July, 2019

3D Cat Face with Ribbon for gal~

3D 猫猫脸还有巧克力粉色缎带哟 😍 Thanks again for my colleague 's friend for the order.  This time she choose a cat face... LOL  She must be animal lover, i think~  😜     Checkout our price at here:   Birthday Cake ~ 3D Special Design Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery


Walnut Birthday Cake 别看只有一颗核桃与一点核桃碎,其实蛋糕里面夹了满满的核桃哦! 由于这是顾客的蛋糕不便切开😝 自己想象吧! 不便之处,敬请原谅😜 Checkout our price at here:  Birthday Cake ~ Basic Decoration Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery