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Showing posts from March, 2020

Light Lemon Cheeesecake with Calendar Birthday Design

日历生日蛋糕📅  以我们家特有的柠檬轻乳酪蛋糕为蛋糕体,再裹上一层鲜奶油,配上顾客的要求~日历装饰。 😅没想到挤几粒字是酱辛苦的😆真是“粒粒皆辛苦”啊~ 😄 谢谢顾客的信任和支持,行动管制令期间的订单。在这疫情期间,为了保护顾客还有俺的小命😆,以无接触配送方式把蛋糕安全送到顾客手里。😷 在管制令期间戴上口罩,送个蛋糕好像做了什么亏心事,一路上挺怕看到👮叔叔问话🙈 Checkout our price at here:  Birthday Cake ~ Drawing Decor Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery


Garfield Birthday Cake COVID-19 14天行动管制令 不能去上班只能瘫在家。。。像加菲猫懒洋洋😂 整理了照片,前几天的订单~ 平时很少挤卡通,鲜奶油真的好难掌握😅结果还是变皱皮加菲猫~😆 Checkout our price at here:  Birthday Cake ~ Floral / Cartoon Design Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery

A Customized Birthday Cake Order for 5 years old boy ~ Spiderman

5 years old Spiderman Birthday Cake Spi-der-man 是白的人??  只有👀白色,哪里还有白?   Another customized birthday cake~ 😊 😂 Thanks for customer continuous support.  Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery


Chocolate Cheese Delights Thanks for the continuous support~😊   Checkout our price at here:   Cheesecakes ~Rich & Creamy Series~香浓芝士系列 Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery