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Showing posts from June, 2013


我的天啊!最近天气热到 =.= 原来 罪魁祸首是我们的邻国,印尼呀~  但是 我们的邻居 却说,他们查到焚烧者却是我国大马所属的公司。。。 算了,对错是谁都不重要了,现在最重要的是解决烟埋的问题呀! 唉, 热到 我的鲜奶油都水水的,使到我在做这粒蛋糕时很烦呢~ 那巧克力也是。。。天气热致使巧克力向我作无声的抗议。弄到我的手油油的很烦哦~ (P.S我操作蛋糕的地方--厨房,没有安装冷气机。。。 )唉 ~~ 虽然巧克力和鲜奶油都不听使唤,不过感谢主!我还是顺利完成了^.^  哦对了~这蛋糕是我姐姐要的,旁边我用了复古的图案来装饰。那就是以3种颜色的圆形巧克力整齐的排在上面。。。 效果还不错,只是因为天气太热使鲜奶油表面上出现了很多小洞。


Finally, at last I found it...... the cheesecake→Japanese Cotton Cheesecake that suit my tips. This is the taste I'm looking for ^.^ It is soft & spongy & the most important thing is, it is not greasy. Unlike the creamy cheesecake, it is light & surely leaves you longing for just one more bite . This is the 1st times I make it & it is a surprisingly luscious light cheesecake.

Father's Day

今天又到了一年一度的父亲节,祝全天下的父亲, 父亲节 要 快乐 哦 ~ 爸爸,我知道您喜欢喝咖啡,所以我就来个大胆的尝试(实则是乱参,哈哈~) 咖啡+OREO 做为父亲节蛋糕的夹馅送给您。^.^ 味道不错哦~ 如果你是咖啡的忠实粉丝,那这个三味夹馅你应该会喜欢吧 ~ 好了不多说了,来看图吧!  这张是蛋糕的外侧图 ↓ 很久没有练陶艺蛋糕了,所以趁着这次练习一下。  这张是蛋糕的内侧图 ↓ 父亲节的订单来咯~ 水果乐园 这粒蛋糕故名‘字’意就是水果、水果、还是水果。。。旁边粘上些许的核桃来装饰。。。完成了:) 提拉米苏 蛋糕慕斯我有加了一点咖啡酒来调味,再把自制的lady fingers浸一浸浓缩的咖啡夹入里面。我用了简单的可可粉来装饰,再用一点巧克力 漩涡 与糖粉来点缀。


Yesterday about 11 o'clock in the morning, my uncle suddenly gave me a call. He wanted to order a birthday cake for his daughter & he want it THAT EVENING !!! oh what a challenge for me...... If you know how to make birthday cake, you will know what i mean for the challenge, do u? However, I accept it, because it is a good opportunity for me to challenge my speed in making a simple birthday cake. How fast are you? Ok, you need to make the sponge cake inside (this took me about 45 minutes to done the cake, include inverted the cake out from pan to be cool). Then, one hour for the cake to be completely cool before you spread you fresh cream on it ( I'm sure you don't want you cream to melt on the cake if you started to decorate you cake while hot). This took me 2 and a half hours for completely decorating the cake. Thanks god, my overall time use is 4 hours to make a simple birthday cake.  ^^ Still need to practice more to get a faster result...... Ha~ha...

Birthday Cakes ※Basic Decoration※

青年团又是生日会了~ 这次在Sharing Planet (西餐厅)庆祝哦~ 关怀部向我订的生日蛋糕夹馅是 Mix Fruit 的。 里面夹了满满的罐装杂果再以简单装饰了一番,完成了~