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Yesterday about 11 o'clock in the morning, my uncle suddenly gave me a call.

He wanted to order a birthday cake for his daughter & he want it THAT EVENING !!! oh what a challenge for me......
If you know how to make birthday cake, you will know what i mean for the challenge, do u?
However, I accept it, because it is a good opportunity for me to challenge my speed in making a simple birthday cake. How fast are you?

Ok, you need to make the sponge cake inside (this took me about 45 minutes to done the cake, include inverted the cake out from pan to be cool).

Then, one hour for the cake to be completely cool before you spread you fresh cream on it ( I'm sure you don't want you cream to melt on the cake if you started to decorate you cake while hot).
This took me 2 and a half hours for completely decorating the cake.

Thanks god, my overall time use is 4 hours to make a simple birthday cake.  ^^

Still need to practice more to get a faster result...... Ha~ha~


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