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Showing posts from 2018

Tiramisu Gâteau

提拉米苏 这是一种带咖啡酒味儿的意大利甜点。我们以奶油芝士替代马斯卡彭芝士作为主要材料,再以自制的手指饼干浸泡卡魯哇咖啡利口酒(Kahlúa)是一款墨西哥出产的以蘭姆酒为基酒咖啡口味的利口酒。 我们以少许可可粉调味,因此🎂具有浓郁的 mocha 咖啡香哦~~ 所以。。。咖啡发烧友还等什么!!! Go Go Go~下单去~🙃 要订制成生日蛋糕?我们有免费写字以及生日蛋糕装饰服务(会另外再收费)。 Checkout our price at here:  Cheese Cakes Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery


Penguin Snowlands 😍 🌲 适逢圣诞节,充满圣诞氛围的圣诞树以及带着红红的圣诞帽子的几只可爱逗趣企鹅,在冰天雪地里与你庆祝生日。😜  👇👇👇👇 Checkout our price at here:  Floral / Cartoon Design Checkout more photos at here:  Floral / Cartoon Design Gallery


Red Velvet Cake With Roux Frosting 红色天鹅绒蛋糕的迷思。。。   它其实就是巧克力蛋糕啦。相信大家都有经历过你的伤口流出的红色的血,但遇到空气一阵子就会因氧化而变成褐色。😝这样的形容视乎有点恶心。 这蛋糕也是如此。一般市面上的可可粉,由于它本身的酸性而被处理过,所以买到都是褐色的。那么做出的巧克力蛋糕当然都是巧克力色的咯。 那么为了做出“红色”的巧克力蛋糕或者就是大名鼎鼎的红色天鹅绒蛋糕,这当中,就有着微妙的化学原理了。要保持蛋糕不氧化或者贴切一点是“来不及氧化”😝,延迟氧化的过程就是让面糊处于酸性的平衡。简单来说就是尽可能加入更多酸性材料来提高面糊的酸性,但却不要过酸,毕竟蛋糕太酸不就变成番茄酱蛋糕了?LOL 所以按照理论,当面糊的酸度越高,氧化的过程就越慢。 市面上很难买到未处理过的可可粉(酸性较高,呈深红色),不然就是价格偏贵谁还愿意买呢?因此,多数的食谱都会加入醋、柠檬汁、发粉、beetroot、优格等等。。。一堆酸性的材料以达到此目的。那么一般上,所做出来的蛋糕就会偏深红色的。所以啊,市面上看到的鲜红色 “红色天鹅绒蛋糕” 大部分为了达到“漂亮的红色”,都会加入大量的红色素呢! 至于当中的乳白糖霜,即是Ermine糖霜(也称为糊状糖霜或煮沸的牛奶糖霜)。通过将面粉和糖与牛奶一起煮制成甜味的糊状酱后,再将这种糊状物搅打成软化的黄油,直到变松软为止。并加入香草和盐调味。


Chocolate Cheese Delights 感谢这位朋友一生日又想我们家的巧克力芝士蛋糕。苦甜的巧克力饼皮为底,搭配浓郁的巧克力乳酪。别看它外表有点硬,其实口感是creamy 又很顺滑哟~ Checkout our price at here:   Cheesecakes ~Rich & Creamy Series~香浓芝士系列 Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery

Fresh Blueberries Pastry Cream Roll

新鲜蓝莓奶油卷 “想送他人生日蛋糕,就要早早预备,投其所好 ~ 要送蛋糕给人就别等最后时刻才想到对方的生日而草率购买。” 我这位朋友,她在饮食方面比较讲究,吃的比较健康。所以我们这几个朋友就想以蓝莓为她的生日蛋糕的主角。最后想了一想就把满满的新鲜蓝莓,塞满进充满蛋香的瑞士卷。还配上自制的卡仕达酱,简直是美味至极~ 哈哈


Captain America‘s Shield Birthday Cake 我的同事超喜欢漫威漫画旗下超级英雄美国队长。因此,同事们一起送了一粒美国队长之盾的生日蛋糕给他。 我虽然不是复仇者联盟的粉丝,但看着这红白蓝的强烈颜色,心里莫名的喜欢。 Checkout our price at here:   Birthday Cake ~ 3D Special Design Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery

Mickey Mouse on Chocolate Cheese Delights

巧克力乳酪蛋糕 I am glad that my friends who is a fan of this Rich & Creamy Chocolate Cheesecakes is enjoying the cake i baked. This time a mickey mouse drawing decor for her birthday cake. The customer satisfaction is our priority!! My great happiness is when seeing smile on faces that enjoying the treats I bake. ☺ Checkout our price at here:   Cheesecakes ~Rich & Creamy Series~香浓芝士系列 Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery


The Custard Cream Puff 咬一口,满满的卡仕达酱夺芙而出,令你回味无穷 ! Checkout our price at here:  Hi-Tea ~ Profiterole

Peppa Pig Light Lemon Cheesecake

粉红猪一家亲 “Peppa, an outgoing preschool pig, participates in many energetic activities. She learns something new every day and has a lot of fun with her family and friends.” Oh yes! Kids love Peppa Pig & great news! It is now available to order on your birthday cake! 😍 GRAB yours now! Checkout our price at here:    Birthday Cake ~ Drawing Decor   Cheesecakes Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery


Cute T-REX Chocolate Cake Have you ever played the T- R ex Runner? The no internet game?  LOL  Play it on the birthday cake now !! Checkout our price at here :  Birthday Cake ~ Drawing Decor Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery

😄 Snoopy on our Coffee Light Cheesecake

 咖啡淡乳酪蛋糕 一不小心就让史努比爬上了我们的蛋糕。哈哈 😂 送给属狗的生日宝宝~  👇👇Hurry grab a snoopy on your birthday cake now!👇👇 Checkout our price at here:  Floral / Cartoon Design Checkout more photos at here:  Floral / Cartoon Design Gallery


Black Forest Cheese Have you tried our Chilled & Unbaked Cheesecake?? This is a 4 layered unbaked cheesecake which consist of chocolate mousse(1st layer), oil free chocolate cake(2nd & 4th layer) & lastly the sign of "Black Forest" the dark cherries, a mousse layer as the 3rd layer mousse. 👆Can you see the beautiful layers??😍  👇more photos from our customer order😃 Checkout our price at here:  Cheesecake Checkout more photos at here:  Cheesecake Decor Gallery

The refreshing yummy Fruit Cover Cheesecake

海绵蛋糕盖满水果 the smallest size available in 6 inches with only RM30++ grab a refreshing fruit cover cheesecake now!! Checkout our price at here:  Cheesecake Checkout more photos at here:  Cheesecake Decor Gallery


Fruits Topping Fresh Cream Birthday Cake~ Using the simple purple line & some fruits to decorate for the couple fellowship birthday celebration. Checkout our price at here:  Birthday Cake ~ Basic Fruit Decor Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery

The Feeling of Purple

紫色の情怀   ※pattern CODE: BC16A02 Checkout our price at here:  Birthday Cake ~ Basic Decoration Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery

After 2 KG here came the normal size Cotton Cheesecake 😘

棉花乳酪蛋糕  Again a Cotton Cheesecake full of colorful fruits & covered with fresh cream. This times is in normal size...  I enjoy looking at the shiny chocolate piece wording!  Watch out don't get blind ya!!   LOL Checkout our price at here:   Cheesecakes ~Light & Soft Series~轻软乳酪系列 Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery

😃大粒的棉花乳酪蛋糕 2 KG

Large Cotton Cheesecake  😱2KG 棉花乳酪蛋糕,涂上雪白的鲜奶油,再排上满满的水果。 美丽的颜色映入眼帘。 Checkout our price at here:   Cheesecakes ~Light & Soft Series~轻软乳酪系列 Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery

Blue Fantasy Theater

Had been longing for making a large chocolate piece on birthday cake & finally I did it. With the inspiration from ROM theater, I came out with this design. I personally quite enjoy looking at the "3D" effect created by the chocolate pieces & some chocolate rolls as the "building columns" Checkout our price at here:  Birthday Cake ~ Basic Decoration Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery

Another Classic Cheesecake by regular customer :-)

Thanks for the support! I'm glad that this customer like my classic cheesecake very much & she enjoy it very much with her family~ CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS OUR PRIORITY ! Checkout our price at here:   Cheesecakes ~Rich & Creamy Series~香浓芝士系列 Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery


Cranberry Raisins Egg White Cake An Egg White Cake means egg yolk free cake & it is surely low cholesterol cake suitable for the old people. Checkout our price at here:  Cake ~ Healthy Cake

Tadaa~~ The Chocolate Crème Swan Puff is coming.... 😜

天鹅泡芙 Checkout our price at here:  Hi-Tea ~ Profiterole

特别蛋糕系列~ 蓝莓泡芙蛋糕

Spécial Gâteau ~ Blueberry Choux Torte ※ Specifications: 1st layer: Blackcurrant Jelly 2nd & 4th layer: Blueberry Mousse 3rd layer: Vanilla Soft Cake Bottom layer: Choux Pastry Size: 7"square Weight: +- 1 kg Checkout our price at here:  Spécial Gâteau ~Mousse Series~慕斯系列 Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery


Frozen-Elsa Hmm.... receive customer order for her daughter of drawing Elsa from the Disney's Frozen Cartoon. I wanna why almost all little like Elsa... Hahaha. Anyway, this times my drawing was not very ideal... >.< The more I want to repair it the worst it became. T.T I hope that my cake will not ruined the little girl's princess dream on this Frozen main character ~Elsa. Checkout our price at here:  Birthday Cake ~ Drawing Decor Checkout more photos at here:  Cake Decor Gallery