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Showing posts from 2013

Bamboo Painting Birthday Cake

鲜奶油毛笔画蛋糕: 竹报平安  


Blueberry Cheese Tarts

My Aunty's Birthday



Black Forest Cheese An order by my customer from facebook. ^.^ Hmm.... I wonder how to decorate it because the cheesecake top is quite pale. I must say that it is quite headache to decorate a cake if you have no idea at all in your mind. After few days kept thinking of the design of this black forest cheese, finally it come out with this. :-) The color of red is quite a strong abstract on the cake.....

Green Pea Cookies is coming for Chinese New Year 2014~~~~

青豆小饼干   又是过年饼的时候了,2014年农历新年新推出的绿豆小饼。其口感松散,味道香甜哦。当然还有青豆的味道。^.^


Cheezy Tarts A rich cream cheese tarts top with cheddar cheese & cheese pastry skin as the base.   Chilled it & Like it!! The Regular~ The Mini~ Chocolate Tarts  The crunchy chocolate pastry skin filled with chocolate that taste like brownies. Finished with chocolate chips as the topping.   The Regular~ The Mini~

Tarts & Pies Order

蓝莓派 水果塔


Japanese Cotton Cheesecake  The side is decorated using blueberry pie filling~

Green Tea Marble Cheesecake



Drawing teddy bear face on Cheesecake with Choco Rice ~ Price: RM28. Order by my friend's sister ^.^ whom also my neighbor. This time I am not using just piping jelly but I had use a nozzle tips to make stars to cover the cake.   Here is the original teddy bear picture:

Green Tea Red bean Cake

绿茶红豆蛋糕  顾名思义其实里面是用绿茶海绵蛋糕夹着红豆的生日蛋糕。


Oreo Cream Birthday Cake order by My church youth's cell group. This is a basic birthday cake but sandwiched with oreo cheese cream in as the fillings.


Honey Light Cheesecake  Ordered by my friend~ ^.^ 

Mid-Autumn Festival

Mini Snowy Moon Cake 迷你冰皮月饼 第一吃做冰皮月饼,算是成功吧!^.^ 由于冰皮调出来是白色的,想了一下不如来个四色冰皮月饼。 巧克力色是加了可可粉,而绿色是加了绿茶粉。至于淡红色呢,我用了台湾的草莓牛奶粉来调色。 四种颜色刚巧可以与中秋快乐四字配对。 :-) 至于月饼内馅呢,有红豆沙泥、斑斓莲蓉、斑斓豆蓉还有那贵到我差点掉下巴的莲蓉馅。前三种的馅,一公斤才不到10令吉。但是当我去买莲蓉馅时,吓了我一跳,一公斤竟然是25令吉。真是 =.=" 难怪莲蓉月饼都会比较贵呢~ 无论如何,我还是掏腰包买了 T.T Mini Baked Moon Cake 迷你烤 月饼 这也是我第一次尝试做的普通月饼,也成功了!^.^ 这馅是用红豆沙泥包斑斓豆蓉~ 这馅则是用红豆沙泥参杏仁粒~ 那馅虽然是稍微甜了一点,但是那月饼的皮很好吃呢! 跟外面卖得有点不一样(虽然样子是一样啦,哈哈)


Again! an order of our signature cheesecake ~Cheesecake With Choco Rice~ Isn't that lovely for just writing on the cheesecake?

2 Cheesecake 's Order for the day~

My friend's order: Mickey Mouse Drawing Decor on Chocolate Cheese Delight~ My aunty's order: Classic Cheesecake (with decor)


My new recipe~ Honey Light Cheesecake This cheesecake is modified from Japanese Cotton Cheesecake Recipe. I had changed some of the ingredients & add in honey. It is moderately sweet, not greasy but light in taste and the most important things is, it is scrumptiousssss~~~~ This cheesecake, my 1st Honey Light Cheesecake was order by my church's friend. ^.^ I am happy because the feedback is 'it is nice'.

Kaya Kok

Ok... I must said this pastries are something like Curry Puff.  The different is the filling inside which is not hot curry but sweet kaya. Moreover, the shape more like triangle then semicircle.  With crispy outer layer & thousand layers of pastry, using the sweet kaya as the filling stimulate my appetence . hmm..... nice. ^.^


昨天,我还愁那冰箱里的蛋白剩很多不知该怎么办。那知今早,感谢主,让我找到了这个视频。 以前打工时就有听说过蛋白做的蛋糕,可是我没有什么研究它的食谱。但是,看了这视频后,我才恍然大悟。原来那蛋白能够被解决了~   ^。< 刚才早上才做的……蓝莓口味的蛋白蛋糕 。就称它为,Blueberry White Cake 吧! 下图是它的倒扣图。 当我今早准备了食谱要做时,由于是第一次做,所以有些忐忑。但是。。。 开始操作后,慢慢的突然充满着能量与自信呢!   蛋白蛋糕又被称为蛋白质蛋糕,是低胆固醇,少油的健康蛋糕。它 顾名思义 ,主要材料是蛋白,是利用打胀的蛋白里的空气来支撑住整个蛋糕的。 顺便一提,原来的食谱是没有蓝莓的。但我知道蛋白有一股蛋腥味,所以我稍微加了一点蓝莓派馅料调味~ ^。^ 虽然是第一次做这个蛋糕,但是我成功了 :P 原食谱取至: 依依美食